1 research outputs found

    Critical phronesis from Paul Ricoeur's and the CTM's philosophies

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    Incluye referencias bibliográficastextocomputadorarecurso en líneaIn this disertation I wonder how to understand critical thinking taking into account the CTM's concept of critical thinking and the Ricoeurian concept of phronesis. Thus, this research has as its first purpose to examine the concept of critical thinking, especially CTM's, to find its gaps, and grounds. Subsequently, it proposes a philosophy that could foster it: Paul Ricoeur's philosophy, especially his concepts of practical reason and phronesis. Finally, this work proposes a new concept of critical thinking: critical phronesis. This is the capacity, made up of thinking abilities and the ethos of the person, to assess reasons, according to the orthos logos in every situation, in order to decide what to believe and do aiming at a good life with and for othersMagíster en EducaciónMaestrí